Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Menu Options

Please ensure you are using the latest version of RokNavMenu, available here.

Menu Types

  • Splicemenu
    A Mootools powered dropline menu system, 1st/2nd level items in the header and others in the sidebar.
  • Fusion Menu
    A Mootools enhanced CSS dropdown menu, with multi-columns, icons, inline modules and more.
  • SplitMenu
    A static three level menu placing 1st level items in the header area, and all other children in the sidebar.
  • No Menu
    An option to disable the menu, allowing for normal module use of the navigation position.


Go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_tachyon_j15 → Menu Control to find all the parameters for Fusion Menu, Splicemenu and Splitmenu, such as transitions, duration and sublevel position.

Descriptions of each template parameter can be seen when you mouseover the label of each option.



A Mootools powered dropline menu, displaying 1st menu items in the header, and 2nd menu items in a horizontal bar underneath. This bar displays dynamically on hover, via javascript, and all subsequent children load in the sidebar.

Template Configuration: Splicemenu

Go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_tachyon_j15 → Menu Set Menu Control to Type : Splice-Menu, to load all the Splicemenu parameters.

Menu Item Parameters: Subtext

Subtext Line is the option that allows you to insert additional text to the Menu Item Title. There is separate styling for this, making it useful for adding brief descriptions to menu items.

Code Modification: Remove the Menu in the Title

Open /templates/rt_tachyon_j15/html/modules.php and change:

<?php echo $menu_title_item->name.' '.JText::_('Menu'); ?>


<?php echo $menu_title_item->name; ?>

Fusion with MegaMenu


Fusion Menu is a menu theme of the RokNavMenu extension, the addon that drives all RocketTheme template menus. It is primarily a javascript enhanced CSS dropdown menu, that combines standard suckerfish type functionality with animations, transitions and other advanced effects provided by Mootools.

NOTE: The latest version of RokNavMenu is required, in order for Fusion to operate.

Latest Features

  • Triple / Quad Column Mode
  • Column Menu Grouping
  • Column Width Control
  • Load Modules inside Dropdowns
  • Load Module Positions inside Dropdowns

Recurring Features

  • Single Column Mode
  • Dual Column Mode
  • Menu Item Subtext
  • Menu Item Icons
  • Javascript Controls
All Menu Items can be edited from Admin → Menu → Menu NameMenu Item.

Basic Fusion Parameters

Adding Subtext

Subtext Line is the option that allows you to insert additional text to the Menu Item Title. There is separate styling for this, making it useful for adding brief descriptions to menu items.

Adding Menu Icons

Menu Image is the option that allows you to insert an inline icon / image to the Menu Item.

Advanced Fusion Parameters: Columns

Menu Columns

Columns of Child Items allows you to determine how many columns the Fusion dropdowns are presented in. You can have anywhere between a single dropdown to a four column dropdown.

Item Distribution

Item Distribution allows you to control how the menu items are ordered in the dropdowns:

  • Evenly: If there are 7 menu items in 3 columns, Fusion will allocate a 3,2,2 distribution - trying to equalize each dropdown.
  • Order: If there are 7 menu items in 3 columns, Fusion will allocate a 3,3,1 distribution - maintaining the item ordering.
NOTE: If your Columns of Child Items setting is configured to be 2 or more columns, you will need to manually set the column widths and distribution, as outlined below. The default is 180px which is too small for multiple columns.

Drop-Down Width (px)

Drop-Down Width (px) determines the total width of the dropdown, regardless of how many columns are shown. This option is to be used in conjunction with Column Widths (px)

Column Widths (px)

Column Widths (px) determines the width of each Column. Separate each width by a comma. The final column's width is determined automatically. This option is to be used in conjunction with Drop-Down Width (px)

Below are some example configurations:

  • Drop-Down Width: 480px: 160,160. Fusion automatically calculates the final width as 160, so in practise, 160,160,160 is the actual distribution.
  • Drop-Down Width: 600px: 160,160. Fusion automatically calculates the final width as 280, so in practise, 160,160,280 is the actual distribution.

Advanced Fusion Parameters: Groupings

What is Grouping?

Group Child Items changes the behaviour of child items in the dropdown menus, instead of creating a dropdown for the immediate sublevel, this option places them inline. See below for an illustrated example of the differences:


NOTE: Grouping cannot be applied to root items, only child items.

Set Group Child Items to Yes to activate the mode. The sublevels well then appear below the parent menu item in a categorical type structure.

Advanced Fusion Parameters: Modules

Fusion is now capable of loading individual modules or entire module positions inside its dropdowns.

Loading Individual Modules

Set Child Item Type to Modules to load all modules setup on your Joomla site in a list. Select the module you wish to display in the dropdown.

Loading Module Positions

Set Child Item Type to Modules Positions to load all module positions on your Joomla site in a list. Select the position you wish to display in the dropdown.

Template Configuration: Fusion Menu

Go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_tachyon_j15 → Menu Set Menu Control to Type : Fusion-Menu, to load all the Fusion parameters.



A static menu system that displays 1st level items in the main horizontal menu and further children in the Sidebar.

Template Configuration: Splitmenu

Go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_tachyon_j15 → Menu Set Menu Control to Type : Split-Menu, to load all the Splitmenu parameters.

Menu Item Parameters: Subtext

Subtext Line is the option that allows you to insert additional text to the Menu Item Title. There is separate styling for this, making it useful for adding brief descriptions to menu items.

Code Modification: Remove the Menu in the Title

Open /templates/rt_tachyon_j15/html/modules.php and change:

<?php echo $menu_title_item->name.' '.JText::_('Menu'); ?>


<?php echo $menu_title_item->name; ?>

How to create Child / Sublevel menu items

Go to Admin → Menu → A MenuA Menu Item → Select a Parent Item, and it will appear as a child of it.

Image Image

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